Drs. Kat & Grayson
Dr. Kat and Dr. Grayson met on the first day of classes while in Chiropractic School. They have been a power couple ever since!
Dr. Grayson and Dr. Kat love enjoying nature and hiking and living life to its fullest. In their off time, Dr. Grayson can be found doing jiu-jitsu, judo and fencing while Dr. Kat can be found baking sourdough, gardening, or chasing after their baby girls.
Most people would describe them as kind and passionate doctors who go out of their way to help people.
Dr. Kat Ernst (Budkiewicz)
Doctor of Chiropractic
Los Angeles Chiropractic College
Bachelor of Science
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
​​Honors in biological anthropology with a minor in biology
Pediatric and Pregnancy training
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
Webster Technique Certified
Gonstead ​
Co-Author of "Examination and Specific Adjusting of the Extremities", Pediatric Chiropractic textbook 3rd edition
Functional Medicine
Bi-lingual in Polish and English
Dr. T. Grayson Ernst
Doctor of Chiropractic
Los Angeles Chiropractic College
Bachelor of Arts
Virginia Military Institute
Functional Medicine
Certified by Los Angeles Chiropractic College​
Gonstead Full Body Technique
Gonstead extremities and sports injuries
Captain USMC
​United States Marine Corps from 2008-2015.
Combat Deployments to Afghanistan (2009) and Qatar (2011).
Military occupational specialties in Combat Engineering and Civil Affairs.
Combat Lifesaver Training 2009 and 2011.
Aleks Gorska
Chiropractic Assistant ​
Rutgers University of NB
Exercise Science